Video Stabilization and Assessment |
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Geodesic video stabilization
(zip, 18M)
ver. 1.0, release 16 June 2016
This software implemented the algorithm of geodesic video stabilization in the manner of off-line processing. |
Non-reference motion stability assessment
(zip, 40K)
ver. 1.0, release 11th April 2018
This code implemented the algorithm of stability quality assessment based on measuring the geodesic curvature of motion paths, without any ground truth data used in the assessment.
Full-reference motion stability assessment
(zip, 1.3K)
ver. 1.0, release 27th August 2018
This code implemented the computation of the geodesic distance between two homographies on the Lie group manifold. It is used as a tool in the stability quality assessment with the ground truth data available.
To enable motion stability assessment with the ground truth stable videos, namely full-reference assessment, we collect 9 categories of examples: walking, climbing, running, riding, driving, large parallax, crowd, near-range object and dark. For each example, there is an original shaky video and a stable video that are captured by our customized device, including a Diji Osmo camera and a Gopro camera. Users can directly compare the stabilization of the shaky video to the stable video for quality assessment. All the examples can be freely downloaded here. |
To the best of our knowledge, our data set is the first one that provides the natural videos that have the ground truth in company with the shaky videos. If the data is used in your work, please cite the following paper:
author = {Lei Zhang and Qing-Zhuo Zheng and Hong-Kang Liu and Hua Huang},
title = {Full-reference stability assessment of digital video stabilization based on Riemannian metric},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
volume = 27,
number = 12,
pages = 6051-6063,
year = {2018},
} |
- Hua Huang, Xiao-Xiang Wei, Lei Zhang. Encoding shaky videos by integrating efficient video stabilization. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 29(5), 1503-1514, 2019.
- Lei Zhang, Qing-Zhuo Zheng, Hua Huang. Intrinsic motion stability assessment for video stabilization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25(4), 1681-1692, 2019.
- Lei Zhang, Qing-Zhuo Zheng, Hong-Kang Liu, Hua Huang. Full-reference stability assessment of digital
video stabilization based on Riemannian metric. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 27(12), 6051-6063, 2018.
- Lei Zhang, Xiao-Quan Chen, Xin-Yi Kong, Hua Huang. Geodesic video stabilization in transformation space. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 26(5), 2219-2229, 2017.
- Lei Zhang, Qian-Kun Xu, Hua Huang. A global approach to fast video stabilization. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 27(2), 225-235, 2017.
- Zhong-Qiang Wang, Lei Zhang, Hua Huang. Multiplane video stabilization. Computer Graphics Forum, 32(7), 265-273, 2013.